2011年7月13日 星期三

義式前菜-chicken liver parfait

 chicken liver parfait 雞肝凍 (可以配麵包得前菜 )

因為朋友喜歡吃 "桃樂斯小朋友"  

 索性來為他試作一下lol 看成不成公 

• 4 chicken legs, preferably higher welfare 
• a bunch of fresh coriander 
• 2 sticks of lemon grass 
• zest and juice of 2 limes 
• 1 green chilli, deseeded 
• 2 tablespoons sunflower oil 
• a thumb-sized piece of ginger, grated 
• 3 cloves of garlic, peeled

•鼠尾草不用太多= =
• 1千克雞肝
•一小酒杯白蘭地 (我用白酒 白蘭地沒嘞= = 我不能用威士忌ㄚㄚㄚㄚ)

還要準備麵包 (這是廢話= =)



另起一個鍋炒洋蔥大蒜和百理香 翻炒 直到有點變軟變色


轉大夥但不要超過四分鐘 不要煮過頭會不好吃= =!!!!!!~~~


加白蘭地的鍋的肝臟 (老娘原本想點火 但想說可能會火災算了= =~)


處理好之後 把他放入容器 冰冰箱~~~


:( 我家大魔王說他要烤雞肝 他不要吃冷凍機乾 


因為這次用機乾我來不及拍照 = =  所以 .......



Preparation method1.Clean the chicken livers, removing and discarding any greenish or sinewy bits.

2.Heat two tablespoons of the melted butter in a heavy-based frying pan. When the butter begins to foam, add the chicken livers to the hot pan.

3.Cook the livers gently for 3-4 minutes, carefully moving them around, but don't allow them to brown. (You may need to do this in batches, depending on the size of your pan.) Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

4.Add the brandy to the pan and carefully flame the brandy for a few seconds to burn off the alcohol. Allow the livers to cool slightly.

5.Spoon the livers (not including the cooking juices) into the bowl of a food processor and blend. With the motor running, add most of the remaining butter (reserving two tablespoons for the top) in a steady stream. Don't add the milk solids that will have sunk to the bottom of the pan.

6.With the motor still running, add the double cream and blend for a few more seconds. The liver mixture should be fairly smooth.

7.Pass the liver mixture through a sieve, pushing the mixture through with a wooden spoon into a bowl, discarding any hard bits that remain in the sieve (this will take about 10-15 minutes). This will make an ultra-smooth parfait.

8.Spoon the parfait into a terrine dish and smooth the surface with a knife, if necessary. Sprinkle a few crushed peppercorns on top and pour over the reserved melted butter. Place in the fridge to cool and set firm for at least two hours.



