2010年3月31日 星期三

the 1st week bk uk

( this is my bf ,,,lol shy)

due 2 my loptop is broken , i usin his .

( its my little girl and my comic book store in taipei)

i cnt update the photos , writin my blog

but anyway. really thanks the ppl who come 2 my blog

until i get mine bk , i wll write lots od article

i try several masks recently , moreover eyelash as well

i cnt wait 2 c my loptop bk

just bk uk for one week but stil sick

i cnt understand y my stomach like doin this .....shitty

also the d, plz dunt come anymore, i cant take it!!!!!!!!!!!

however, the good new is i not feelin bad n wanna throw up

i remember when i took of the coach . i saw my bebee standin there in the cold air

takin this big flower romantic isnt it

and them when we home , he gave me a little box


wuts that inside?

u guess

in my mind i guess its ring......cuz the size of box

but when i open

its a little pink bunnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

so cute, her name its bella , my seven little girl welcome 2 our big family

ok thats all this week

hope u like it , plz dunt care my weak gramma lol

if u like it , push it ! really thx

