2009年6月18日 星期四


以下是我朋友Phil的隊伍影片 :)


請觀賞後 覺得棒的到這裡投票



我投了 哈哈!!

世界最棒的旅遊 - 影片來了!

要說明一下,以下的影片與旅遊行程,都是為了參加臺灣觀光局的“世界最棒的旅遊”活動。 如果你來到這裡,希望你可以幫我們幫臺灣打響名號,到活動的網站投票給我們! 謝謝!

7/10 第一天

我們要搭早上的火車到花蓮,先去民宿check-in,再吃午餐。 (如果有人能建議特別的餐廳很感謝,我記得有一家扁食餐廳很有名,但是忘了在那裡)



7/11 第二天

早上搭火車到瑞穗,體驗泛舟的刺激! 我在那裡玩過,真的很好玩,但是我們可能需要多一點雨水才行!

晚上搭火車到臺東,check-in民宿以後,去一家原住民的餐廳吃晚餐,也品嘗一下小米酒吧! 如果還有時間的話,想帶手電筒到舊火車站看看。

7/12 第三天

早上起來,準備心理! 搭火車到鹿野再轉乘計程車到高臺,體驗飛行傘的恐怖! 沒玩過,但是有一點擔心!

吃完午餐,要到布農部落參觀。 我也去過這裡,真的是個很好的地方,還沒跟他們聯絡但是我希望他們有一個會英文的人員能帶我們參觀,解釋他們的生活方式。 至少我們會看到精彩的表演,我們也打算買一套原住民傳統的衣服,加入他們的行列!

晚上要到卑南文化公園看除夕 (交通問題還沒解決),我去年去那裡,看得到臺東平原,除夕的時候應該不錯。我們也要去看史前博物館外面的水舞表演。

7/13 第四天

早上搭火車/公車到金崙,再走路到金崙野溪溫泉。 然後搭火車/公車到知本森林游樂區。 最後搭火車回臺北,休息一個禮拜!!

Formosa Adventurers

Theme of tour:Adventure Sports and Aboriginal Culture

Group leader:Phil Dawson(United Kingdom)

Group members:Stu Dawson (United Kingdom) Neil Wade (United States) Ross Tweedie (United Kingdom)

Group Introduction

We are the Formosa Adventurers and between us we have over 20 years of experience traveling in Taiwan and around Asia. We also have have four websites and currently write three travel blogs (see below). This trip is just one step in our ongoing mission to promote tourism in Taiwan. At the end of the trip the entire itinerary will be available on our blogs (in English and Chinese) so that anyone planning to visit Taiwan will also be able to experience our trip first-hand.

We have planned every part of our trip so that it is possible for anyone who can speak English to arrive in Taiwan tomorrow and do exactly the same trip as us. We have kept all the costs low so to make the trip possible for a larger number of people. During the four days, we will be taking part in various different adventure sports as well as introducing Taiwan's culture. We will only be using English to communicate on our trip and we plan to show everyone how you can visit Taiwan and even get off the beaten path, without having to be able to speak Mandarin.

Have a look at: Stu's Taiwan Hiking Blog

Neil's Taiwan Photography Blog

Phil's 老外的臺灣旅遊日記

Neil's Travel Photography Website

P.S. The itinerary of our trip is now available on our blogs. Don't forget to click on the RSS feed at the bottom of the page to get future updates!

